Thursday, 26 February 2015

Reaching the Finishing Line…

So, this is really it, only a week to go until publication day for “The Torn Up Marriage” and here's my fantastic cover!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks, with a last-minute final proof read to do, which hit the deck just as I was working the day job. Then, a last minute glitch, and a panicky weekend waiting until my editor got back to the office, and could let me know that the proof hadn’t gone live to Amazon etc. And since then, my mind buzzing with promotion ideas. I’ve been busy creating my Author profile and adding my photo to Amazon both in the UK and US – oh yes, I’m going global!

And then,  sat at home quietly at my computer, I searched Amazon for my book, saw it appear with my name on the cover (I love the cover, by the way), my Author page all done, pre-order ready, and out of the blue I had a few tears. This is real. I can now officially announce: I AM A REAL AUTHOR! Wow - I’ve really achieved my dream of becoming published… Ten years writing, at least five years submitting,  and here I am! They were happy tears of course, for what felt like the end of a very long journey and a dream come true.
Of course, it is also just the start of another journey – my life as an Author - and I can’t wait to see how that one goes! But here’s to my debut novel “The Torn up Marriage” – I just hope you all enjoy reading it. And if you do, please take a minute to pop a review on to Amazon, or if you blog, tweet or whatever, let people know. I would really appreciate that. It’s hard for a new author to get known and get out there, so any help will be fantastic.
If you’re a writer early on your journey, very best of luck to you, and keep going. There were times when being published felt just too far from my reach, however hard I tried, but hey, it can really happen! There’s a saying in the writing world which rings very true: “The difference between a published author and an unpublished one is that they didn’t give up!”
Thanks for reading my blog - I’m still going to keep posting here. After all, there’s always more books to write, I’m just at the starting line…
Caroline x