Thursday, 9 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello and Happy New Year! Here’s to a fabulous 2014.

A New Year…  A time to think about your dreams and aspirations. A time to refocus. My aim this year is to keep writing and do my utmost to get published. I also want to take part in the Edinburgh Great Run – a 10 miler; it’ll be a bit more of a challenge than my usual 3-4 miles jog. So I’m going to need determination, willpower, and to keep training and working hard.

I intend entering several writing competitions this year too - any way of getting my work out there, getting it noticed, and hopefully getting that break. Richard and Judy’s Bestseller Entry has already gone off! So fingers crossed. And I’m going to keep on submitting my work to agents and publishers. I don’t want to waste any opportunities at all.

So what are you hoping to achieve? Where are your dreams taking you this year? Bear in mind that just taking steps to try and get there is a real achievement in itself. It may not always work out as you hope or imagine, but you’ll be working towards that goal.

My latest novel, which I’m busy editing at the moment is a Romantic Comedy called “Hold Tight to Your Dreams” which seems quite fitting. It focuses on having the courage to strive for your dreams.

Good luck! And have a very happy and healthy 2014.